Tuesday, September 20, 2011

How to Clean Oil Out of a Carpet

Getting stains out of carpet is tricky, but essential to keep your home clean. Few things make a house look old or dingy more quickly than a dirty, stained carpet. Knowing in advance what to do with stains allows you to be able to treat them as soon as they happen. Oil stains, in particular, need to be treated right away, as they can leave a big mess if you don't get to them quickly.

Things You'll Need

Clean cloth or paper towels
Rubbing alcohol
Dishwashing detergent
Goof-Off or another reliable cleaning solution


1.       Blot the stain with a paper towel or light-coloured cloth. Do not rub the stain, which would only spread it.
2.       Pour some rubbing alcohol onto a clean cloth or paper towel and blot the stain. (Be sure not to rub.) Continue blotting the stain until it lifts.
3.       Check the spot carefully over the next few hours and days. Carpet stains can be vulnerable to wicking, which is when the liquid at the base of the carpet creeps back up the fibres, causing the stain to reappear. If the oil reappears, repeat the process of blotting and rubbing alcohol until the stain is gone. If the alcohol doesn't remove the stain, other treatments may be necessary
4.       Combine one-quarter teaspoon dishwashing liquid with one cup of warm water. Blot it onto the spot without rubbing. Repeat as needed. If the spot remains, it may be necessary to try a professional-strength cleaner.
5.       Find a cleaning solvent such as Goof-Off. Apply the solvent to a cloth and blot it onto the stain. Never pour a solvent directly onto carpet, as it can damage the latex backing. Rinse the spot with water after use.

Tips & Warnings

®      For a set-in stain or one that doesn't respond to home treatments, it may be necessary to call a professional carpet cleaner.


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